International Travel

Travel Forms


Travel to Hazardous Areas and Countries Under Comprehensive Economic Sanctions

In accordance with university policy 1134, individuals or groups that intend to travel to countries or areas under:

  • U.S. Department of State travel Advisory Levels 3 (Reconsider Travel) or 4 (Do Not Travel); or
  • A Center  for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Health Notice – Warning Level 3 or higher; or
  • State, federal, or province declaration of a  “state of emergency” (or similar) warning; or
  • Comprehensive economic sanctions;

must do the following:

Trip-Specific International Travel Emergency Plan

Trip-Specific International Travel Emergency Plans provide information about resources and procedures that may be necessary during a travel emergency or international crisis. Plans can also be used to document important site specific information such as rally points, local embassies/consulates, hospitals, and emergency contact numbers.

  • Download the Group Plan for groups lead by university employees, academic directors, and trip leaders.
  • Download the Individual Plan for faculty and students traveling independently on university sponsored or related international educational travel or business.

International Travel Acknowledgement of Risk and Medical Consent Form

This form pertains to non-hazardous areas.

Students: All students traveling abroad on university-sponsored or university-related travel (regardless of the destination) are required to register their travel in the GEO Travel Registration System and will sign this form electronically during the registration process. Minors must download and complete the International Travel Acknowledgement of Risk and Medical Consent form, get parental signatures, and return the signed form to the Global Education Office (

Faculty & Staff: Faculty and staff do not need to complete this form.